Auto Insurance
Auto Insurance Coverage
Pays for the cost you are legally required to pay for injuries to someone else resulting from an accident you cause, up to the policy limits. The costs for which you are responsible may include the person’s medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
Pays for damage you cause to someone else’s car or property in an accident, up to the policy limits. With both types of liability insurance coverage, you want enough insurance to cover a lawsuit judgment without jeopardizing your personal assets. If you are uninsured (or underinsured), the costs associated with an injured party’s liability claim will come out of your pocket. All states also have a minimum liability insurance requirement for drivers.
Pays medical bills for you and your passengers if a driver without insurance or without enough insurance injures you in an accident, up to the policy limits. You can generally purchase Uninsured and Underinsured limits equal to your liability limits, but not greater.
Pays for repairs to your car after an accident, regardless of whether you are at fault. This coverage is typically required if your vehicle is financed or leased. A deductible generally applies to this coverage. You can select from different deductible options, and there will be premium savings for higher deductible selections. You should ultimately choose a deductible with an out-of-pocket cost you’re comfortable with.
Pays for repairs to your car after damage from something other than a collision, such as loss caused by fire, theft, collision with deer or other animal, storm, flood, etc. The coverage also pays for the replacement or repair of your damaged windshield (and other glass). There is a deductible that applies to the Other-Than-Collision coverage.